Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Since I had a subachroid hemorrhage I have been dealing with Anxiety and Panic attacks. At first I was very upset and felt like I had no control of my self, besides feeling like every time it came upon me that I was weak and not walking in my faith. I would say if I had faith in God like I should why am I feeling this way. I didn't want to take the meds they said I needed, probably the rest of my life. Well I have God I don't need this...I don't need to talk to anyone about this God can handle this..Boy, I was sure being prideful in my thoughts. Yes my God is there, And if it wasn't for God I would not be here today....I guess since I was out and in a coma state for 3 weeks I never new what really happened to me except what I was told. So my Dr. told me that subconsciously my brain remembers everything. All that in short version to say....

It comes upon me when I least expect, or when I have things scheduled like today I had a Dr. appointment for my hives and starting last night it gripped me and I could not get myself to get ready to go to the Dr. today. This is very irritating to me. My prayer is, with my Lord I will be able to get through things and totally be free from this paralyzing attacks..
My God will not give me more than I can handle. I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me. My God will never leave me nor forsake me. Ask and ye shall receive. Some scriptures I always hold onto.
This sure is not a happy and decorative post, but it is a truthful one and something that came from my heart about some struggles I deal with..
Life is not always a party but it is how we deal with things that come our way. I must say going through this is also nothing compared to what the results could have been. I thank you Dear Lord for every day you have given me...And I treasure each day you give me.
What is it you are so very thankful for?? Tell God and in 2010 we need to keep our eyes on our Lord and look at the positive in life and not the ugliness...
Till next time love to you, have a wonderful week.

1 comment:

Sue said...

Oh, my dear, dear friend! I am SO GLAD that I got to talk with you this morning...I was so worried last night, but please know....I am lifting you in prayer every day and thank God that you are here, fine and that He reunited us! Love and miss you!