Monday, May 3, 2010


Good morning, hope you had a great weekend and you weren't one of those in the floods and tornado's.. if you were I pray all is safe and your ok.
I am in need of your opinion on our front door..First excuse the chair hubby had out...anyway Our siding is tan and the trim is white and we now have the green shutters...

Here is a view from across the street..What you ask what those people are doing by the have to wait and find out on next post..I need help now on my door color...

Hubby doesn't want to take shutters off and in his words PAINT THEM AGAIN....see I change my mind often..So I was thinking can I paint the door White? Oh not to get sidetracked but I'm sure you know that the CAVS are in the playoffs and we are now playing Boston Celtics...And the Celtics are going down this 2 Tonight at 8....

Oh sorry I keep getting off track..anyways...See my wreath I just made..I added a little red cardinal in the bottom middle...But see how it doesn't show much the greenery on a green door.

Any thoughts out there I would love to hear them. I would even go with different color like red?? would that look like Christmas.. or can I go With some kind of tan....HELP..
Thanks so much,


Donna said...

Jolyn - help has arrived! I'm a color specialist in Charlotte. I'm one of your followers and would love to suggest a few colors for you and your husband to consider. I think red is a great choice but it has to be the right red so it doesn't look too much like a Christmas tree, as you said.


Rookwood Red 2802
Rookwood Dark Red 2801 (my fav)
Polished Mahogany 2838
Aurora Brown 2837

These are all colors from the Exterior Preservation Pallet of Sherwin Williams. Good luck and let me know which color you and your hubby decided on.

Ashley @ Decorating Obsessed said...

I think red would be a great choice – it would give a great pop and take attention away from your shutters.

I would go with a richer red – this would avoid the "Christmas look."

I can't wait to see what you do!

Donna said...

Please send pics when you're done!