Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Went for my 4 month check up and blood work...and they were all so excited to see what I have done since my last visit...SO...
My weight was down 74 pounds since January 12th 2011. Next my blood work was all good, but we needed to make a change with my thyroid medicine since my pituitary gland got bottomed out...All I know about this or understood was it is from getting the fat out of my system and loosing the weight...Your pituitary deals with hormone's and growth in our body's..anyway Dr. lowered my thyroid med and I get blood checked again in 21 days. Dr. said I may even need it lowered more...this is great...
My Cholesterol number came down about 20 points since last 4 months and my hdl that is good cholesterol is doing better but still only 39...it was always around 52..Working on getting it up higher.
My Dr. asked me what are my goals from here...I told him I would like to get to 150...but not sure till I get there...lol So we looked at the BMI- body mass index.. and he said he would like me to get to 25...I am at 32 or 34 right now...To get to 25 would be about 140 to 145....
He also told me that platue's would last longer and more often right now..Not to get discouraged but to keep doing what I'm doing..
So meanwhile till my next blood work in 4 months...which will also be my 1 year of living a healthier life style...I will continue to better my health, get stronger, move more, and working on becoming the best me I can be....

Sunday, September 25, 2011


Well I didn't loose one ounce last week stayed the same, so truthfully I just didn't feel like posting it. It was first frustrating but...I went on how I feel and not on what a scale says. Plus I had to look at how far I have came in the last 9 months...
So after a very busy two weeks I have went from 217....to 215.2..... almost 2 pounds..I am just happy to be going in the right direction...lol
I go to the Dr. tomorrow and will get my results from blood work. It has been 4 months since the last one. Very excited to see the difference...
Had a wonderful day yesterday with friends out at the pumpkin patch (winery) they had a craft fall balloon fest. We had perfect weather. Then went out to dinner and came home and ended it with a glass of wine...
Till tomorrow have a great night..

Thursday, September 8, 2011


Wow I have noticed, finally, that I am getting somewhere with my walking. I was like the picture above, a walk to the mailbox or to laundry room was getting walking in for the day. Then I started walking around the block....out of breath and tired and not walking faster than a stroll.
Now I have been doing more and adding in steps for extra strengthening of my heart. When I first started my new life style in January I did no exercising...until after I lost my first 50 or so. I started walking with a good friend now in the morning and my husband went on a walk with me the other night, after saying he needs to get walking again. I said lets go...he said but you already walk in the morning...I said I can still walk now...so away we went....he kept look over at me and laughing. I said why are you laughing? He said wow you are moving now, I am having a hard time keeping up with you. That was so neat to hear. It was usually me saying slow down...but now away I went...Progress is being made.
I must have thought if your thin you don't need to work out or why would you work out...I have found it doesn't matter how large or small you are, you must strengthen your muscles and heart..You have to keep moving your body. I could go on and on about why we need to be active but we all know we need this.
At times when I am walking I feel like I can't go any faster unless I jog. I have tried at different times to do this, but my head gets dizzy and the bouncing from it hurts my head...Now I did have a brain aneurysm and maybe that is why, the bouncing and up and down makes it so sensitive. Or maybe because of my weight and still being to heavy..I don't know..I will try again another time.
So friends lets keep active and keep moving doing something other than sitting around...

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


On August 29th I hit my 70 pounds lost..Today, 10 days later I am still at 70 pound loss...Now I want to get frustrated but at the same time I have not been on my regular eating. For example over the Labor day weekend there was foods I don't eat on a regular basis. I had some strawberry cake,some different dips.... so I thank God that I have stayed the same, and also I was satisfied and didn't deny myself of anything.
As for the exercise I have done no walking or steps since last Thursday. I did do my stretching and arm and leg exercise on floor and standing.
I have been dealing with a lot of bloating, so I am trying to take care of that. This morning I made a blueberry spinach smoothie...very good, a lot of protein and some fiber.
I am going to walk the track this afternoon if no rain, instead of going in the morning..I have found I just can't get moving and feel good all day early...I feel better doing my exercise later in the day or evening, not that I am totally stopping my morning with my walking buddy, but when I got things to do or feel out of whack I will change..
I need to get back to simple eating for awhile so I can get to my goal of 80 pound loss by October 31...I am not liking this maintaining....I want to keep going see the pounds drop and not sit and stay the same...
SO 54 days...to loose this 10 pounds that is 7 1/2 weeks..so I need to loose more than 1 pound a week now...I WILL DO THIS!!!!
It has been 34 weeks today since I have started this new lifestyle... and get 70 pounds off. I doubt I will have 100 pounds off by my 1 year anniversary...but that is ok..I do want it off by May of 2012...That leaves my to get 30 pounds off in about 7 months...Now that is definitely do able...
I would also like to have my tummy surgery by April so I will be pretty much healed by the beginning of June...
So I have goals and I got work to do to meet them...