Sunday, January 15, 2012
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Wednesday, January 4, 2012

DON'T MESS WITH A MOM THAT HAS A CHILD!!!! Have you seen the mom that was talking to 911 with a shotgun in her hand as intruders were trying to get into her home.. She is 18 years old, was home alone with her baby...and there was no one going to harm her child...As the intruder was coming inside she shot and killed him, the other guy took off running only to turn himself in later.. The intruder had like a 12 inch blade knife...This happened New Years Eve... You ask where was her husband??? He died on Christmas day of cancer...She has been through a lot in her 18 years and a horrific tragedy all in a week...
(ABC News) - A young Oklahoma mother shot and killed an intruder to protect her 3-month-old baby on New Year's Eve, less than a week after the baby's father died of cancer. Sarah McKinley says that a week earlier a man named Justin Martin dropped by on the day of her husband's funeral, claiming that he was a neighbor who wanted to say hello. The 18-year-old Oklahoma City area woman did not let him into her home that day. On New Year's Eve Martin returned with another man, Dustin Stewart, and this time was armed with a 12-inch hunting knife. The two soon began trying to break into McKinley's home. As one of the men was going from door to door outside her home trying to gain entry, McKinley called 911 and grabbed her 12-gauge shotgun. McKinley told ABC News Oklahoma City affiliate KOCO that she quickly got her 12 gauge, went into her bedroom and got a pistol, put the bottle in the baby's mouth and called 911. "I've got two guns in my hand -- is it okay to shoot him if he comes in this door?" the young mother asked the 911 dispatcher. "I'm here by myself with my infant baby, can I please get a dispatcher out here immediately?" The 911 dispatcher confirmed with McKinley that the doors to her home were locked as she asked again if it was okay to shoot the intruder if he were to come through her door. "I can't tell you that you can do that but you do what you have to do to protect your baby," the dispatcher told her. McKinley was on the phone with 911 for a total of 21 minutes. When Martin kicked in the door and came after her with the knife, the teen mom shot and killed the 24-year-old. Police are calling the shooting justified. "You're allowed to shoot an unauthorized person that is in your home. The law provides you the remedy, and sanctions the use of deadly force," Det. Dan Huff of the Blanchard police said. Stewart soon turned himself in to police. McKinley said that she was at home alone with her newborn that night because her husband just died of cancer on Christmas Day. "I wouldn't have done it, but it was my son," McKinley told ABC News Oklahoma City affiliate KOCO. "It's not an easy decision to make, but it was either going to be him or my son. And it wasn't going to be my son. There's nothing more dangerous than a woman with a child."

He said Oh my gosh what is wrong with you... I couldn't move or talk....He said I'm calling an please no...I just need a minute...I said... 45 minutes I was in there.. He had one of the guys bring truck to front door.. They got me to truck and home...Then my daughter was freaking when she seen me....scared she got my mom ... I started freezing and couldn't move without headache and dizziness...still nausea..Still wanting to take me to emergency room..I said just take my BP and Sugar... all was good...I said just let me be and not move..UNTIL..the headache got worse and my face started going numb...Mike had me up and to the emergency before I realized I was going...Daughter following in her car right behind us...Oh my goodness you both are crazy...I was thinking later on....What if......They came out with wheel chair and I couldn't me in and the slightest movement started it all over again...
After my Husband told them my symptoms and previous history with brain aneurysm...I was taken right for ekg and put in room.
They started IV with Morphine and anti nausea meds...after cat scan and ekg was ok.. no bleed on my brain...Thank God.. but I knew it wasn't that since my BP was good at home. SO WHAT THEN!!!

My blood work came back with low /or high.. I forget white blood count and poison in my system...WHAT???? it wasn't food poisoning..but food that came in contact with a poison!!!!! What the Heck.. no way we all ate the same thing...I only had ONE!!!! it hit with in 5minutes...Doctor said this and I'm thinking more vertigo.. that is what they thought before blood work came back...
I had to stay there till after 3 am and then sent home with vicoden and nausea meds..and told do nothing for 48 hours....
It did take me about 3 to 4 days to feel better and what a way to mess up a wonderful evening.
So glad it wasn't worse or life threatening...BUT don't want to go through it again EVER!!!! December 15th,2011....I wonder how much this dram to ER will cost.....Now that that is behind me I am about ready to start blogging for the new year....
Oh 2012 what do you hold for us???
Friday, December 16, 2011

This post is me catching up on the last month and half...The picture above is a centerpiece my Dad had got me and it is still alive...except some carnations.. I really love the container and live greens. It is special times like this gift that gives me that warm happy feeling and memories that are cherished.
Speaking of memories...This photo is me after receiving this beautiful Christmas basket full of wonderful items...The colors and items picked out were so perfect and all will be used and cherished for years...and when I take them out each year it will bring great memories of our yearly Christmas dinner out with our wonderful Italian friends..I so look forward to this every year...not my gift....our time spent together at dinner...that lasts ummm at least 3 1/2 to 4 hours.
This year my parents got Mike and I along with my brother and sister in law tickets to this Live Theater in Lancaster PA. We all went together for a nice long weekend the 6 of us. It was night time when I took this is so beautiful. We left Friday afternoon and got to our hotel..met later in the evening for dinner together..Saturday after breakfast we met up and went shopping at the Outlet's, and the sun was out..little cool but with sun and shopping we didn't notice...went to Apple Bee's for a drink and snack then to our hotel to get ready for the evening.
This picture was taken during the day when my parents went earlier in the summer...they enjoyed it so much they got tickets for us to go in December together. We saw Miracle of was nice and they used live animals...The way they portrayed Mary and Joseph in this play was done in such a way you can relate and truly feel the emotion Mary had of being the Mother of Jesus..Very well done.
This year I used our red and green decorations in the family room and on our tree. The last 4 years I have been doing the tree in glass, crystal, white, golds and much more elegant...This year I was in a more whimsical mood.
This year for Chistmas Eve things were changed around do to both of the kids work schedule..another first but we worked it all out. My mother in law had us over early before Autumn went to work on Christmas Eve...So we celebrated with her around two...autumn had to be at work at 5 and worked till 9....Once again I watched my other child head to work on Christmas Eve. I didn't let on like it was a big deal..she was such a trooper..So very proud of her and her excitement to work...anyway later in the evening we went to my brother's in laws, I had a good time. Always very festive and I got to spend time with my niece and nephew that we don't ever get to see till day after Christmas. It is so good having little ones around this time of year.. Love seeing all their excitement.. My nephew is at that perfect age of 3. Christmas morning we always do a big breakfast of Egg Casserole and Overnight Baked French good. We did this a little earlier because Michael had to go to work 12 until 8.. then we usually go to see my Aunt and my Grandpa but this year I decided to fix a Christmas dinner for us, my parents and my mother in law...It was really nice..We ordered honey baked ham and a turkey..cheesy hashbrown potatoes and brocoli...we missed the sweet potato casserole for dinner...I will just say that my 77 year old mother in law's memory isn't what it used to be and she confused it and made it Christmas Eve instead of Christmas day...but we laughed about it and of course all had to make jokes about it at wow sweet potato casserole would have really tasted good..or Could someone pass the sweet potato casserole please...all in good fun of course.. Christmas night Mike and I went to friends of ours for a little bit then home and enjoyed the rest of the evening by the fire, with the tree and mantel lights on.
Day after Christmas is a day I really look forward to...That is the day we all get together at my brothers and we exchange is laid back and relaxed and much enjoyed.. This year I was the one that got harassed and teased...I will just say it has to do with me taking pictures of myself and my smile....Yep I was teased all night...Let's just say I have a lot of pictures to make up for all the years I never would get my picture taken because of my weight...At least they noticed I am smiling!!!!
I love this wall hanging i got at a craft show this year..I did craft shows with my girlfriend that makes jewelry that is one of a kind... I would keep her company and help get set up and taken down..When I first got there I saw these wall hangings at this one booth..she had beautiful things and wanted 35.00 for this..So I waited and would go back now and then and see if this was still there and it was..So towards closing time everything was about sold out and this was still there and marked down to 15.00...Wooo Whooo I said I will take it!!!! So in a nut shell that is what I have been up to since coming home from Cancun...Paridise....and of course all the other holiday things you do like sending Christmas cards, decorating, Shopping, know how it goes..
Oh ya and dinners out with friends...hold on to that thought..I will tell you about one of those dinners out on next post...hopefully tomorrow..
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

It was a fabulous trip...Our flight down and back was good. The weather this year was perfect. About 3 years ago when we where there it was so very hot and humid..we were wet the whole week not one bit of breeze...
We had an awesome welcome dinner our first night..with a show done with fire...on the ocean.
We saw a show one night that was a tribute to Michael Jackson...they did a fabulous job and the Mexican Michael Jackson was amazing..
I did a spa day.. while my Hubby went golfing....Can I say this was the most unbelievable spa.. They had a water hydrotherapy area you go through the stations before whatever treatment you are going to do...I have never done this or have I ever seen one like was about an hour, then I went for my Deep Tissue Relaxation Message...I will just say.. the Mexican men may be short but the guy I had sure did have strength...I about lost my breath a couple times while he worked on my shoulder back area...Then I adjusted my breathing to breath through it...I was sore for 3 days after this massage but I had now stress and tightness at all...well till I got back I will say this particular message I did but won't do again..I like a much softer massage..therefore I will stick with my bi-weekly massages I get with my wonderful massotherapist...
We felt like we were on our honeymoon and totally enjoyed this fabulous week...I did take over 500 pictures....but this was a highlight of our week in paradise.
Our trip next year will be in Costa I am going to get working on my strengthening and weight..we will be riding horses up the mountains and bungee jumping back down through the jungle and waterfalls...I feel if I ever want to bungee jump this would be the place..
I did a great job with my weight while gone..I gained 4.3 pounds and lost 4 of it already.. a lot of water retention...and um maybe those good drinks.....
Now on to preparing for the upcoming holiday's...
Saturday, November 5, 2011
And this body is not going to win...I have been dealing with the same 3 pounds for like ever. My body is saying no way you are not going to loose one more pound, I am telling it you are so wrong and I will fight through this.
When I hit 75-76 pound loss it has stopped...So I will keep going on about my life and when my body decides this isn't maintance time...I will continue with the next 65 pounds.
I can't get all wrapped up in these numbers and let them control my daily mood. I was getting all worked up and having panic when I wasn't loosing. It would set my mood for the day. If I got on the scale and it was down, I would be so excited and it was a good day...This isn't the kind of life I want daily...that would be leaving one control for another control over me.
I will continue on the path of a healthy life style and aiming for a better all round healthy living life.
As for other things going on in my life....I just celebrated 12 extra years that I have been given ...It was 12 years ago on October 31st that I had a ruptured Brain Aneurysm....I am a survivor by the Grace of God and many many prayers from family friends and many people all over the country. I thank everyone for this and for everyone that took care of my children, who were 4 and 6 at the time... It was a long year of recovery...but my solid rock and a big part of my recovery was due to my Husband...He was my support, nurse, doctor, therapist, house keeper, cook, childcare provider.....everything for over a year...The company he worked for gave him all the time he needed off and never asked when will you be back in the office...He worked from home for over 3 a month he spent with me while I was in the hospital...God was there with us the whole time...So on days I want to scream,yell, hate, leave.....list goes on...I think back to How blessed I have been.
Anyway didn't mean to get off on all that but, but it is and was a very memoral time in our life. So other things going on..Our youngest is still working and carrying a heavy load at school, plus her Tennis..she has been a trooper with it all. She is totally loving driving now and having her own money to do her favorite thing.....SHOP!!! She went and made a big purchase the other night...A pair of black sparkle Uggg boots...and she was so excited seeing that she has wanted these boots for several years now.
Our oldest is working and going to collage..just finished up on testing for the semester. He is branching out more and more in life and becoming more independent. Last weekend he took time off from work to go to Ohio State to spend with friends..He drove on his own and went to Cincinnati U first to pick up a friend then back to OSU...found his way and made it Had a wonderful time.
Mike and I are preparing for our trip to Riviera Maya, in Mexico coming up. We are staying at the Excellance Resort with many friends...we go yearly somewhere..Last year was Cabo San year I believe we will be going to Costa Rica..anyways so looking forward to this and I will post pics when we get back...Sure dont want to come back with much weight gain...looking forward to many walks on the ocean...
So till next time have a wonderful day..and try not to get so excited and caught up in Christmas that we forget THANKSGIVING....
Hugs to all...
When I hit 75-76 pound loss it has stopped...So I will keep going on about my life and when my body decides this isn't maintance time...I will continue with the next 65 pounds.
I can't get all wrapped up in these numbers and let them control my daily mood. I was getting all worked up and having panic when I wasn't loosing. It would set my mood for the day. If I got on the scale and it was down, I would be so excited and it was a good day...This isn't the kind of life I want daily...that would be leaving one control for another control over me.
I will continue on the path of a healthy life style and aiming for a better all round healthy living life.
As for other things going on in my life....I just celebrated 12 extra years that I have been given ...It was 12 years ago on October 31st that I had a ruptured Brain Aneurysm....I am a survivor by the Grace of God and many many prayers from family friends and many people all over the country. I thank everyone for this and for everyone that took care of my children, who were 4 and 6 at the time... It was a long year of recovery...but my solid rock and a big part of my recovery was due to my Husband...He was my support, nurse, doctor, therapist, house keeper, cook, childcare provider.....everything for over a year...The company he worked for gave him all the time he needed off and never asked when will you be back in the office...He worked from home for over 3 a month he spent with me while I was in the hospital...God was there with us the whole time...So on days I want to scream,yell, hate, leave.....list goes on...I think back to How blessed I have been.
Anyway didn't mean to get off on all that but, but it is and was a very memoral time in our life. So other things going on..Our youngest is still working and carrying a heavy load at school, plus her Tennis..she has been a trooper with it all. She is totally loving driving now and having her own money to do her favorite thing.....SHOP!!! She went and made a big purchase the other night...A pair of black sparkle Uggg boots...and she was so excited seeing that she has wanted these boots for several years now.
Our oldest is working and going to collage..just finished up on testing for the semester. He is branching out more and more in life and becoming more independent. Last weekend he took time off from work to go to Ohio State to spend with friends..He drove on his own and went to Cincinnati U first to pick up a friend then back to OSU...found his way and made it Had a wonderful time.
Mike and I are preparing for our trip to Riviera Maya, in Mexico coming up. We are staying at the Excellance Resort with many friends...we go yearly somewhere..Last year was Cabo San year I believe we will be going to Costa Rica..anyways so looking forward to this and I will post pics when we get back...Sure dont want to come back with much weight gain...looking forward to many walks on the ocean...
So till next time have a wonderful day..and try not to get so excited and caught up in Christmas that we forget THANKSGIVING....
Hugs to all...
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